Friday, October 13, 2006

True Story....

I know what you're thinking: a courier logo? this has got to be a lame post. Just you wait.

Today something happened, that I only think happens to pastors and my mom. You know how pastors are giving a sermon, and they say "one day I was at Starbucks and I started talking to the person about ethics, morals and Christianity". And you are thinking, "no you didn't, you just got your coffee, smiled at the barista and got out of there". Okay, well this actually happened to me today....

I phoned "Quick as a Wink Couriers" which by the way, are often not at all quick as a wink. Anyway, I have phone to this courier at work (Novacom) just about everyday. Its like a two minute conversation: give the pickup and drop off details, get the confirmation number and you're off the phone. But today was a whole different story...I tell them that my envelope is going to Trinity Western to the office. And then it started.

The woman said "Oh I love Trinity, there are good people there, this world needs more good people". And she goes on to explain that her father picked up a wallet in a gas station that belonged to a TWU student, so she went out there, gave this student their wallet, and they became friends. Then she told me that this week she broke up with her long time boyfriend (yes this did actually happen). She said that he didnt have any respect, and the world needed more people like the ones at TWU who were "good people". She said "you sound like a good person". And I was like, umm...ya I hope so. Anyway, she said she had all this anger, and just today, she has decided to give it all up, because we cannot hold onto anger, and we need to find love and grace. Seriously.

So the lady explains this whole thing to me for about 15 minutes and then says "I dont know why I am telling you this...we can get back to your order". I was so shocked, so I just told her I was so happy she had found TWU, and that I hoped she came back to meet more people there. Moments in life like this, are just so unexpected. But I guess the point is, it really is possible, to be a kind of community that gets noticed, that makes a difference to people. I mean it all seems like a lot of rhetoric sometimes, but its true. People need what we have, and we have to be reminded of that some days.

Wow, that was really long, thanks for sticking it out. Has anything happened to you guys like this? It seems to happen to my mom a lot. I guess its being passed along...

1 comment:

Ang said...

ya these situations always startle me too. You just don't think that people are willing to talk about stuff like that. But some people are thinking, and everyone is looking for someone to listen. Thanks for listening!