This is good stuff. Great stuff in fact.
Can you tell its my reading break?
“To the illumined mind the whole world burns and sparkles with light”- Emerson
Here's the thing. I don't watch too much t.v...but I am hooked on this show. All it took was a couple of episodes with Lavonne and Kira and I was sucked in. Now I just can't get enough. I download the music (which by the way, you should check out because it is great). There is some wisdom on this show too. Unconventional wisdom, but wisdom nonetheless. This past week, I learned not to be "judgy" with my friends, because it ruins people.
For two weeks in a row, I just saw there crying my eyes out. If you watch the show, you know why. Later I was trying to explain it to Matt and I just about cried again. This is me at my most ridicolous, and it is because of this show. But it's good crying, because the writers know how to draw you in, how to make you feel.
You didn't think I could write that much about a t.v. show, but I just did. That is why I love Grey's Anatomy...
That's my keychain. It's a spotlight. I absolutely love ridicolous things with Superman on them. This is particularly problematic at the minute considering the movie and all. There is Superman everywhere!
I sort of love it and hate it at the same time. Matt called me the other day from Costco telling me I could buy a Big Screen TV and DVD player with Superman on them. The worst part? I just about drove over there.
So there you go - day two of things I love. What random things do you love? Post it. You know you want to...