Monday, August 28, 2006

....everyone pretend to be normal....

So picture this with me. Matt and I are in the US of A, and we decide we are going to find a theatre playing this movie. So I pick up "The Whatcom News" and we discover a gem: The Pickford Cinema. Here we have Bellingham's only independent cinema. The only word to describe it is character. The single theatre was clearly crafted by one mans bare hands: velvet cloth staple gunned to the walls, retro-theatre seats, a tiny concession stand operated by the women in the family. Then when the movie started, the laughs just filled the room - because it was so small you see. It made me realize, I hate monstrosities like Colossus Langley, and I absolutely love this. It honestly made me want to go see every independent film there.

In this context, we saw this wonderful film. I can safely say that I loved it, and would watch it again this week if I had the time. One warning: the humor is a little dark, not your average comedic fair. Just perfect though: awkward family dynamics - the crazy grandpa, the innocent girl, the emo-teenaged boy, the super keen father. A family on the verge of a breakdown.

A perfect blend: sometimes so funny that I couldnt even control my laughter. Other times, insightful, in a non-hollywood sugar coated sense. Just wisdom, the way we would actually speak it. So my advice is: if you liked Garden State, or movies of that lore, please go see this movie, its just great.


Ben S. said...

i loved garden state. thanks.

from mel said...

i am SO glad that you saw the beauty in that movie. it was fantastic. go see it again and again...its worth it :)

the tapered pant said...

funny. i JUST wrote a post about the exact same thing. I knew i could count on the CP's. And sharelle, i LOVE to read your blog.

Anonymous said...

When are we going to see this?

Anonymous said...

haha five

Ang said...

what a brilliant movie, when ever I think about it, the run alongside the bus comes to mind first.