Monday, December 04, 2006

Let's Play Name that PostSecret....

Who does this remind you of?

Ever seen a PostSecret that is soo much like someone you know that you can't even handle it? Don't worry, I have more rounds coming. I expect participation here.

In case you are behind, Postsecret is an online blog where people from all over North America send in their secrets, and they are published every Sunday

Play for yourself (


Ang said...

Are you talking about me? Because I've never told anyone how much I loathe George Mason University Parking Services. It's weird how you knew.

Anonymous said...

my guess is Lana & trinity parking tickets...

Sharelle said...

Megan Howie wins the prize of.....

A strong sense of sastisfaction.

You did it Howie. Lana does hate TWU parking services. I read this and immediatly saw Lana.

Anonymous said...

the question is...has Lana seen it?? haha. oh Lana:)

Lana said...

Yes Meggs,

Truely I have seen this and I have to say it made me laugh - it brang back some good memories you know! Not. I was waiting for someone to post a comment before I said anything.