Saturday, February 27, 2010

Olympics Top 10...

So the Olympics came to Vancouver. We talked about it a lot before they came - and I think it would be pretty safe to say they lived up to the hype for me. Either that, or we just created a lot of our own hype. Probably the latter. And yet still - there were some great times.

So, now here's my Olympic top-ten, lest we forget the fun as we pay for it in taxes over the next ten years.

10. Waking up at 4:30 in the morning to see the torch: Arnold Schwarzenegger

9. Watching Ladies Moguls with collective cheering, and dancing in the rain: Richmond Ozone & Bedouin Soundclash

8. Snagging Victory Ceremony tickets at the last second: Barenaked Ladies

7. No line-ups and excellent music: Hot Hot Heat

6. Watching an opening band that got a standing ovation, beautiful melodies and a seat to call my own: Hey Rosetta & Stars

5. Singing O Canada with thousands of strangers: Jon Montgomery Gold Medal Ceremony

4. An unreal outdoor concert with non-stop favourites: Sam Roberts Band

3. Creating a new record of four free concerts in one night - all with great friends: Hey Rosetta (yes again), You Say Party, We Say Die!, Tokyo Police Club and Mother Mother

2. Geoff's sign that read "Get your photo with a Canadian - Free!" and the crazy pictures that ensued: Downtown

1. Sheer joy after Canada's huge Gold Medal Hockey win.

Well - it was a pretty unreal two weeks. So much Canadian solidarity, and fun times. Part of the joy was experiencing this with so many different friends. So thanks to everyone that was Olympic keen with me.

I have that feeling like the day after Christmas or something - so much build-up and then it's over. I suppose I should get used to it because the wedding hype is just about to get into full-swing.

Ahh yes - the wedding. 2010 is going to one for the record books.

Monday, February 08, 2010


I've blogged before on how much I love community solidarity. Let's just come out and say it - I like being part of the cheering crowd.

So today, everyone at Novacom packed up for half-an-hour and went to see the Olympic Torch pass through Cloverdale. I wore my Olympic mitts, and all of us paraded down the street with joy. It's not everyday you can get that much enthusiasm out of seven adults. The streets were packed all throughout Cloverdale, and people "cheered on the flame" when it passed.

And I think I'm going to go again tomorrow. (Southpoint 6:15 or Semihamoo Mall 6:36 if you're interested).

Moments like these are rare - where we all come together for something. The cynics might say that we should come together for something But I think this is a start.

Maybe you're an Olympic hater - or maybe you're an Olympic lover. I don't know. But I do know this - our city is about to have a big (free! well sort of) party, and you should come join me in it.

feb 12 - PPAC Opening Ceremonies

feb 13 - Bedouin Soundclash/Hey Ocean (Richmond Ozone)

feb 17 - Hawksley Workman (Richmond Ozone) OR Hot Hot Heat (Surrey Holland Park)

feb 19 - The Stars (The Orpheum)*

feb 20 - Hey Ocean/Said The Whale/Mother Mother (Holland Park Surrey) OR
Sam Roberts/The Arkells (Livecity Downtown)

feb 21 - Great Lake Swimmers (Ontario Pavilion)

feb 27 - Wintersleep/Tokyo Police Club/Hey Rosetta/You Say Party, We Say Die (Surrey Holland Park)

Check all the free concert listings yourself

Check out all the other free fun events
(Russian Tall-ships, Ziplines, Country-houses)

So are you convinced? Do you want to Olympic-party with me? Love it or hate it - those tax dollars are paying for it - so let's enjoy!

*only paid show in the list. all others are FREE!