Monday, March 23, 2009

Sims Wisdom....

This weekend in a lengthy, and somewhat over the top blog conversation (yes, I have those) - it was determined that a good blogger is a frequent blogger. I am not so sure about this, particularly because the accusation came from a NON-blogger, but I suppose there is some merit to the admonishing I received.

So, here we go. I always say I will blog about things, and then I don't, so this time I am keeping true to my word:

Remember when you used to play the "Sims" (circa about 1998 for me), and you had maintain all those little areas like health, and friendships, and work etc. So you would go hang out with a friend for an afternoon, and you'd be doing really good on the relationship front, and then bam! you're health was way off, or your career success. So, there you were navigating your little character around, scrambling to keep all your "levels" in the green. And it was hard to do right?

I think the Sims might have been on to something. Yesterday, I had the distinct sensation that I might have to "get used to the idea" that on a day to day basis, I am probably going to have to let someone down. I know, that sounds really defeatist, but I think its going to be freeing for me. For example, with TOC'ing - people start requesting you, and then two people request you, and you have to reject one, and you feel really bad. And then you realize "sometimes, I am going to have to let people down".

Now, I am not saying we should let ourselves off the hook when we really do need to feel bad, but I am saying that we need to have a little perspective. I've been told I have a pretty over-active "guilt-complex", that is, I apologize for too much, and even things outside of my control. So maybe this post is just a little pep-talk to myself, and anyone else with the same complex, just to say - you have to do your best, and you won't make everyone happy all the time. Too defeatist? Nah....


Margaret said...

I think boundaries are incredibly important. As a tutor, I often have to cut people off because their time is up and I am no longer being paid. Occasionally I will go over time with someone to finish something, and I actually work free overtime almost everyday because I have to fill out these little sheets which have to be done after the appointment and I don't feel it's fair to cut people off before their time is up, but cutting people off is always a little hard to do. They usually get a somewhat panicked look. But the fact is, you really can't be all things to all people. You have to take care of yourself because, quite frankly, no one else is going to.

Thanks for the Sims wisdom. I may have to plagiarize you.

Ben S. said...

i haven't been to your actual blog in awhile because of google reader - but would like to first comment on this new(?) format/background. very nice.

a appreciate that someone else has lengthy posts about self-awareness as well as me. :)

and as for turning down calls? oh well. :)

Laura said...

If I was a part of a conversation in which the phrase "a good blogger is a frequent blogger" was spoken, I would be so, so happy.

Ang said...

my sims would always lay their plates on the ground after eating.