Saturday, January 27, 2007

Livin' the dream....

....My Excuse for lack of blogging
is this....

I have decided to do 19 semester hours this semester. I want to "graduate" by April and do PDP in January 2008. This means in almost every respect I am going to fall off the face of the planet. One of these ways is blogging. Never fear though, there is always 2 am, when you are still up and the paper is being written. I am sure some random blogs will still come, perhaps just less frequent.

I know its pretty lame to issue a blog disclaimer, but I just did it. It's probably also pretty lame to have 2 posts in a row with your own face on them. Its like I think I am Oprah or something. Sorry about that. We just all know...the pictures keep the people coming.

All this being said, I must put this out there. School is the best time of life. I know it is. Never again will I be this busy with things that I am in love with doing, even if they are overwhelming and frustrating at times. Yes, teaching is going to be great. But learning, and professors and all of can't get better than this. I am blessed, truly blessed that I even get the oppurtunity to do this. Let's see if I can remember that all semester...


Ben S. said...

let me just say -- studies have shown that oprah's face sells. sharelle? your face sells too. oh yeah.

Spiro said...

it's true! the pictures DO keep the people coming. and, did you set up that picuture of yourself or what? you're the greatest. ( and when i say greatest, i mean, coolest.)