I have not, or will not ever promote the love of Leonardo Dicaprio. But I will promote this movie. We just started reading Romeo & Juliet in my Shakespeare class, so I figured it was time for a little Baz Luhrman. That recasting of the film is quite phenomenal. I hope one day I will be allowed the "artistic liscense" to show it to my high schoolers. The funny part is, they won't even know who "Leo" is. All the better I say. But point of the story - this movie is great, artisitically and also textually. Yes, vast amounts of text are missed, but the portions covered are covered well. So if you haven't watched it - do. And if you have - go watch it again. Because here is the great thing about Shakespeare -his words live on, they transcend time, culture and mediums. And for this reason, I will always love William.Juliet: O, swear not by the moon, the inconstant moon, who monthly changes in her circled orb, lest that thy love prove likewise variable.
Romeo: What shall I swear by?
Juliet: Do not swear at all. Or, if thou wilt, swear by the gracious self which is the god of my idolatry, and I'll believe thee.