Tuesday, January 24, 2006

A Flight of the Imagination

So, I had an adventure. Honestly, the whole time, it felt like something Shaun Gaynor would have loved. Matt found a clipping for a "Movie Set Warehouse Sale". So we drive to Burnaby and there are 3 full warehouse bays of movie paraphenalia. There was so much crazy stuff in there. As I walked through, I imagined what kinds of sets would require each item. A nice flight of fancy...


Fake silver hyperbaric chamber and time machine looking controls - sold to a man named "Richard". Which makes you wonder - what kind of guy is this?

Fake Bank Machine - Suprising that some "entrepeneur" hadn't snapped that one up.

Suitcases & Trunks - All the good ones were sold, but there were some beautiful ones in the mix.

Unfortunately, I didn't buy anything. We were pretty convinced that if we got there on the first day, we might have found some major goldmines. Nevertheless, a wonderful journey for the mind.


Kristina said...

Sounds like something you and Solonka should have been at together.
Drewlo, you continue to amaze me.

Kathryn Dechant said...

Oh wow... I was just going to say I can so see you and I doing that together...

Anonymous said...

SHARELLE! It's Rachie here. Your revamped blog is looking very literary. Check out my xanga (www.xanga.com/racheljahner) - it doesn't look very literary, but I hope you'll understand.