Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Do you agree?

'"Tis better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all" - Tennyson.

My expierence is so limited and that makes it hard for me to say. Which my friends - is why I am interested to know what you think, and maybe even why you think it - if you might be so brave. And yes - its a silly blog - so you may not want to bare your soul - but something to think about anyway.

The conculsion I think I came to was this:

I hate the image of the man in his cabin alone, letting the world pass him by. Granted, he might be happy, in the sense that he has found contentment within himself and his surroudings. But I think love, even platonic love, takes us outside of ourselves. And yes it hurts, and I don't even begin to know what that means. Yet even when it hurts the most, I get this feeling that I just wouldn't be whole without it.

There you go, with my inadequate thoughts now on screen, you can veeery easily outdo me...come on!

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Lights will Guide you Home...

:White River Ampitheatre/Auburn Washington/August 16.05:

No I did not take this photo, and yes he is a superstar.
A little screen action - kind of lame photo - kind of cool. You decide.
Not to be outdone by the superstar....

On Tuesday night, Megan Howie & I took a trip down to Auburn Washington and took in a concert that I have been waiting a long time to see. A little band I like to call...Coldplay. Definitly up there for one of the best concerts I have been to. I loved the outdoors thing - seeing the open air around you while listening to this incredible music. Of course Chris Martin was a speck - but they had all kinds of great shots of him on the screen. Kudos to Coldplay techy guys - it looked really good. They busted out "Fix you" at the very end - annnnd I probably would have paid just to see that. I feel blessed beyond belief - to be able to see two of your top five bands in concert in one summer - thats happines my friends.

Thursday, August 11, 2005


"We may not be Dairy Queen, but we sure have great Sundays" -
Actual Church Billboard.

Enough Said.

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Now for something completely different....

If you are expecting any kind of insightful post, stop reading now. But if you enjoy a random story - keep reading.

When I was in grade 8, my crazy friend Laura thought it would be funny to smile and wave at a shy kid in a grade lower than us - just to make him embarassed. Upon later reflection - this may have been more mean than funny - but hey we were in grade 8. Anyway, we always waved at this boy called Shaun, and he would get all agitated and embarassed. So success for us basically.

So what's funny about that story? Besides the fact that I was a potentially mean kid in my younger days? Last summer, while working at the ol' Sbux, I notice that a regular customer looks veeery familiar. And for the life of me I can't figure out why. Then it dawns on me - It's Shaun! So one day - on a secret stealth mission, I walk past the insurance company where he works and read his nameplate. Yup - it sure is. Small weird world my friends. Anyway - I think we are friends now, he came in this week and we chatted it up. Mental.

Laura & I taking a cheesy photo with Shaun. Before all the jokes start....I was in grade 8, give me a break!

Thursday, August 04, 2005

Ocean of Words...

I bought a Moleskine journal. And I am pretty excited about it. I have been wanting to purchase this journal for a long time.

"For two centuries now Moleskine has been the legendary notebook of European artists and intellectuals, from Van Gogh to Henri Matisse, to Pablo Picasso....and Ernest Hemmingway."

You know, I realize that it is all selling technique, but I feel more artistic just for owning one. Yikes. Honestly, its' great because I can carry it in my bag, and just start writing anywhere. Which I have already done. And it turns out - Moleskine has a following. People using them to travel the world, pass them around, and record ideas. There is even a blog dedicated to it. I love that I get to be a part of that. Cheesy but true.

The title of my first reflection: "How Teachers Make Children Hate Reading". I read a great article about it. I am guessing no one is truly interested, so I wont write about it on here. But if you are - lets talk about it sometime.